Smart Cities Webinar – Smart Buildings

The second Kapur Smart Cities Webinar focused on Smart Buildings and the Internet of Things.

Our speakers discussed advancements in building systems that are increasing efficiency through renovation and new construction. We were joined by Jeff DeVor and Joseph Schmidt, with a bonus presenter Ty Miller. 

Jeff is a co-owner at Automated Energy Solutions (AES) and has over 25 years of experience in building efficiency and management and has a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Wisconsin. Joseph is the other co-owner at AES and has over 10 years of experience in contracting for building efficiency and has a civil engineering degree from Marquette University, and is a Certified Energy Manager. Ty is with Schneider Electric and has degrees in Chemistry and Political Science, and a Masters in Business Administration from Notre Dame University.

Video available for viewing here: Webinar 2 Smart Buildings


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